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Dernières recherches/Laatste opzoekingen : "tender type", Type 60, asvi, Type 5, 3, Motocross, socol, Titan, Monceau, .....

Nombre de photos/articles : 149.064 : Aantal foto's/artikels


Industrial and Preserved Locomotives of Belgium, The Netherlands and Luxembourg1241PhotoBakkersmolen OK 3136/1908
Industrial and Preserved Locomotives of Belgium, The Netherlands and Luxembourg1241Photo Briqueteries De Ploegsteert Moës 6003
Industrial and Preserved Locomotives of Belgium, The Netherlands and Luxembourg1242PhotoCarmeuse Hudswell D1193/1960
Industrial and Preserved Locomotives of Belgium, The Netherlands and Luxembourg1242Photo Carrières et Fours à Chaux Dumont-Wautier Cockerill 4172/1967
Industrial and Preserved Locomotives of Belgium, The Netherlands and Luxembourg1243Photo Charbonnages de Monceau-Fontaine Baldwin 44883/1917
Industrial and Preserved Locomotives of Belgium, The Netherlands and Luxembourg1243Photo Charbonnages de Monceau-Fontaine La Meuse 2894/1916
Industrial and Preserved Locomotives of Belgium, The Netherlands and Luxembourg1244Photo CFV3V 61 André Chapelon SACM 8099/1952
Industrial and Preserved Locomotives of Belgium, The Netherlands and Luxembourg1244Photo Charbonnages de Monceau-Fontaine Couillet 1706/1913
Industrial and Preserved Locomotives of Belgium, The Netherlands and Luxembourg1245PhotoCimenteries Belges Réunies Deutz 57446/1962
Industrial and Preserved Locomotives of Belgium, The Netherlands and Luxembourg1245Photo Cokerie de Willebroek La Hestre 42/1924
Industrial and Preserved Locomotives of Belgium, The Netherlands and Luxembourg1246Photo Blégny Mine Cockerill 2837/1912
Industrial and Preserved Locomotives of Belgium, The Netherlands and Luxembourg1246Photo Cockerill Sambre Cockerill 3813/0000 and Cockerill 3584/1957
Industrial and Preserved Locomotives of Belgium, The Netherlands and Luxembourg1246Photo Cockerill Sambre Cockerill 3813/0000 and Cockerill 3584/1957
Industrial and Preserved Locomotives of Belgium, The Netherlands and Luxembourg1247Photo Charles Focquet Karlsruhe 2032/1918
Industrial and Preserved Locomotives of Belgium, The Netherlands and Luxembourg1247Photo Kempense Steenkolenmijnen La Meuse 5265/1954
Industrial and Preserved Locomotives of Belgium, The Netherlands and Luxembourg1248PhotoLhoist Couillet 1913?/1950?
Industrial and Preserved Locomotives of Belgium, The Netherlands and Luxembourg1248PhotoPont La Louvière remorqueur de halage Alsthom?
Industrial and Preserved Locomotives of Belgium, The Netherlands and Luxembourg1249PhotoRoues et Trains montés Sclessin Pélerin OX/1957
Industrial and Preserved Locomotives of Belgium, The Netherlands and Luxembourg1249PhotoScheerders van Kerkhove Diema 5139/1991
Industrial and Preserved Locomotives of Belgium, The Netherlands and Luxembourg1250PhotoSea-Invest CBM Renault 96/1962
Industrial and Preserved Locomotives of Belgium, The Netherlands and Luxembourg1250PhotoSociété Belges des Bétons Etterbeek Maffei 2842/1908
Industrial and Preserved Locomotives of Belgium, The Netherlands and Luxembourg1251Photo CFV3V DG21 Cockerill 1423?/1884
Industrial and Preserved Locomotives of Belgium, The Netherlands and Luxembourg1251Photo SNCB 55.011 La Meuse 3235/1928
Industrial and Preserved Locomotives of Belgium, The Netherlands and Luxembourg1252PhotoHainaut-Sambre 20 Energie KDL 7
Industrial and Preserved Locomotives of Belgium, The Netherlands and Luxembourg1252PhotoSobemai Couillet 5805/1950
Industrial and Preserved Locomotives of Belgium, The Netherlands and Luxembourg1253PhotoSociété Belge des Bétons Marie Orenstein Koppel 4852/1911
Industrial and Preserved Locomotives of Belgium, The Netherlands and Luxembourg1253PhotoStoomcentrum Maldegem Haine-Saint-Pierre?
Industrial and Preserved Locomotives of Belgium, The Netherlands and Luxembourg1254PhotoStoomcentrum Maldegem TKp6281 Chrzanow 6281/1963
Industrial and Preserved Locomotives of Belgium, The Netherlands and Luxembourg1254Photo Stoomspoorlijn Dendermonde-Puurs 1 Cockerill 2643/1908
Industrial and Preserved Locomotives of Belgium, The Netherlands and Luxembourg1255PhotoBonna Concrete Spoor Type RT11
Industrial and Preserved Locomotives of Belgium, The Netherlands and Luxembourg1255Photo Tiense Suikerraffinaderij Suzanne La Meuse 3068/1923
Industrial and Preserved Locomotives of Belgium, The Netherlands and Luxembourg1256Photo Corus 406 Cockerill 3853/1961
Industrial and Preserved Locomotives of Belgium, The Netherlands and Luxembourg1256Photo Corus 458 Cockerill 3602/1958
Industrial and Preserved Locomotives of Belgium, The Netherlands and Luxembourg1257PhotoCorus 906 General Electric 37599/1970
Industrial and Preserved Locomotives of Belgium, The Netherlands and Luxembourg1257PhotoEDS Yvonne Orenstein Koppel 12246/1933
Industrial and Preserved Locomotives of Belgium, The Netherlands and Luxembourg1258PhotoHeembeton Hasselt 1 Diema 2497/1962
Industrial and Preserved Locomotives of Belgium, The Netherlands and Luxembourg1258PhotoISM Erica 4 Deutz 23418/1939
Industrial and Preserved Locomotives of Belgium, The Netherlands and Luxembourg1259PhotoISM Erica 34 Ruston and Hornsby Loco
Industrial and Preserved Locomotives of Belgium, The Netherlands and Luxembourg1259PhotoLaura & Vereniging 9 Krupp 745/1924
Industrial and Preserved Locomotives of Belgium, The Netherlands and Luxembourg1260PhotoMBS 657 Breda 170/1901
Industrial and Preserved Locomotives of Belgium, The Netherlands and Luxembourg1260PhotoNSS 4 Ruston and Hornsby 373374/1954
Industrial and Preserved Locomotives of Belgium, The Netherlands and Luxembourg1261PhotoNSS 2 Yvonne Maffei 4096/1921
Industrial and Preserved Locomotives of Belgium, The Netherlands and Luxembourg1261Photo Oranje Nassau Mijnen 14 La Meuse 3052/1924
Industrial and Preserved Locomotives of Belgium, The Netherlands and Luxembourg1262PhotoPurit Mijn S2 Motor Rail 20535/1954 - S3 Motor Rail 9290/1948
Industrial and Preserved Locomotives of Belgium, The Netherlands and Luxembourg1262PhotoSchokindustrie 12 Schöma 2803/1964
Industrial and Preserved Locomotives of Belgium, The Netherlands and Luxembourg1263PhotoSteenfabriek de Bosscharwaarden Deutz 11550/1933 - Diema 1740/1955
Industrial and Preserved Locomotives of Belgium, The Netherlands and Luxembourg1263PhotoStichting RTM 50 Henschel 11722/1913
Industrial and Preserved Locomotives of Belgium, The Netherlands and Luxembourg1264PhotoSSN 3 Orenstein Koppel 6326/1914
Industrial and Preserved Locomotives of Belgium, The Netherlands and Luxembourg1264PhotoStichting RTM 54 Orenstein Koppel 8065/1916
Industrial and Preserved Locomotives of Belgium, The Netherlands and Luxembourg1265PhotoSHM 31 Arnold Jung 12/1886
Industrial and Preserved Locomotives of Belgium, The Netherlands and Luxembourg1265PhotoSHM 47 Pluisje Orenstein Koppel 2283/1938
Industrial and Preserved Locomotives of Belgium, The Netherlands and Luxembourg1266PhotoARBED 14 Arnold Jung 13443/1962
Industrial and Preserved Locomotives of Belgium, The Netherlands and Luxembourg1266PhotoVSM 116 Schwartzkopff 9932/1930
Industrial and Preserved Locomotives of Belgium, The Netherlands and Luxembourg1267PhotoARBED 2 ARBED 11/1928
Industrial and Preserved Locomotives of Belgium, The Netherlands and Luxembourg1267Photo ARBED 4 Cockerill 4155/1965
Industrial and Preserved Locomotives of Belgium, The Netherlands and Luxembourg1268PhotoARBED 17 Hohenzollern 2712/1911
Industrial and Preserved Locomotives of Belgium, The Netherlands and Luxembourg1268PhotoARBED 8 Hohenzollern 2609/1910
Industrial and Preserved Locomotives of Belgium, The Netherlands and Luxembourg1269PhotoARBED 3 ARBED
Industrial and Preserved Locomotives of Belgium, The Netherlands and Luxembourg1269PhotoARBED 40 Orenstein Koppel 12161/1930
Industrial and Preserved Locomotives of Belgium, The Netherlands and Luxembourg1270PhotoAMTF 5 Orenstein Koppel 5457/1912
Industrial and Preserved Locomotives of Belgium, The Netherlands and Luxembourg1270PhotoAMTF 8 Hanomag 3431/1900
Industrial and Preserved Locomotives of Belgium, The Netherlands and Luxembourg1271PhotoAMTF 12 Hanomag 4018/1903
Industrial and Preserved Locomotives of Belgium, The Netherlands and Luxembourg1271PhotoARBED 21 Hanomag 5921/1911
Industrial and Preserved Locomotives of Belgium, The Netherlands and Luxembourg1272PhotoARBED 3 General Electric 9930/1925
Industrial and Preserved Locomotives of Belgium, The Netherlands and Luxembourg1272PhotoARBED 41 AEG 4552/ARBED 32/1930

Comment effectuer une recherche ?
  • la plupart de mes livres/revues étant en français, la majorité des entrées de la base de données sont en français ;
  • pour les noms des localités, j'ai repris le nom officiel (donc Leuven et pas Louvain, Liège et pas Luik), à l'exception des communes bilingues qui sont reprises majoritairement en français ;
  • pour une recherche concernant une gare, il suffit de taper le nom de la gare. Si dans les résultats, ce nom apparaît seul, il s'agit d'une photo de la gare. Si le nom n'apparaît pas seul, il ne s'agit pas d'une photo du bâtiment ;
  • pour une recherche concernant le matériel moteur après 1971, il faut utiliser :
    • Série pour une locomotive (ex. : Série 27, Série 28 II (pour les nouvelles Traxx), ...)
    • AR pour un autorail (ex. : AR 41, ...)
    • AM pour une automotrice (ex. : AM 62, ...)
    • APT pour une automotrice postale (ex. : APT 35, ...)
  • pour une recherche AVANT 1971, il faut utiliser :
    • Type (ex. : Type 27 pour une locomotive à vapeur, Type 553 pour un autorail, Type 122 pour une locomotive électrique, Type 202 pour une locomotive Diesel, ...)
Pour connaître le contenu d'un livre/d'une revue, il suffit de choisir son nom dans le menu de gauche et son numéro dans le menu de droite.
Hoe een opzoeking doen ?
  • daar de meeste van mijn boeken/tijdschriften in het Frans zijn, zijn de meeste van de gegevens in mijn databank ook in het Frans;
  • voor de gemeenten, heb ik de officiële naam gebruikt (dus Leuven et niet Louvain, Liège en niet Luik), met uitzondering voor de tweetalige gemeentes die meestal in het Frans staan;
  • wat stations betreft, voldoet het de naam van het station in te tikken. Als deze naam alleen verschijnt in de resultaten gaat het over een foto van het gebouw. Anders gaat het over een foto in de buurt van het station;
  • voor opzoekingen in verband met tractiematerieel NA 1971, moet men het volgende gebruiken:
    • Série voor een locomotief (vb. : Série 27, Série 28 II (voor de nieuwe Traxx), ...)
    • AR voor een motorrijtuig (vb. : AR 41, ...)
    • AM voor een motorstel (vb. : AM 62, ...)
    • APT voor een post motorstel (vb. : APT 35, ...)
  • voor opzoekingen VOOR 1971 moet men volgende gebruiken:
    • Type (vb. : Type 27 voor een stoomlocomotief, Type 553 voor een motorrijtuig, Type 122 voor een elektrische locomotief, Type 202 voor een Diesel locomotief, ...)
Om de inhoud van een boek/tijdschrift terug te vinden volstaat het de naam in te vullen in de eerste kolom en het volgnummer in de tweede.

© 2007 - 2024 dgrr (at) skynet (punt/point) be
Created 19 Jan 2008
Last Updated 21/09/2024